Connecting Members with ValueRailway Tie Association members were asked, “Why do RTA members find so much value in their association?” All of their answers revolved around how they or their businesses benefit from the industry connections they make through RTA programs, services, meetings, and activities.
RTA is the organization I count on to CONNECT...
... by forwarding orders and services requests to members
...through a vast online database of research and statistics on crossties
...with online and print member directories
...with print material, training media, & industry news
...with virtual & field training on Quality Control, tie grading, tie defects, etc. annual field trips, conferences, regular committee meetings, etc.
...when members visit with legislators at Railroad Day-on-the-Hill
...thru working sessions with RRs for new research & product development offers a wealth of info to the world
...supporting students with thousands of dollars in annual scholarships
...SelecTie II & TieLife computer models make ROI decisions easy
...e.g., there are several new preservative systems now in use by railroads
... through the most complete online database and statistics on the tie industry
...with online environmental safety data and end-of-life recommendations
...when sawmills seek buyers for ties, RTA sends them customers
...e.g.,innovative options offered to premature tie failure in high decay areas have ties to dispose of? We have disposal providers to do it.
...e.g., in-depth research archives help eliminate duplicate projects
...where users can find online sources for tie specifications and standards
...interactive forum with buyers in the field keeps you current with market trends |