Compression & Bending Strength of Steamed, Treated Hardwoods (2014)
Wood Protection Research Council/Forest Products Lab Research: Clausen, Green, Kirker, Lebow (2014)
Environmental Life Cycle Assessment of Railroad Ties (2013)
Life Cycle Assessment of ACZA treated ties (2013)
Weathering Effects on the Decay Resistance of Creosote-Treated Oak (circa 1990s)
The Effects of Weathering on Wooden Crossties (1997)
Performance Prediction and Specification of Wood Ties for Revenue Service (1996)
Proposed Strength Properties Tests for Wood Crossties (1995)
Performance of Western Softwood Species as Crossties in Mainline Railroad Track (1990)
Durability of Wood Crossties (1987)
Effects of Natural and Accelerated Aging on Oak Crossties (1987)