Wood Preservation Chronology (April 2015)Class 1 Wood Crosstie Insertions in the US - 1921 to 2013Weathering Effects on the Decay Resistance of Creosote-Treated Oak (Chow and Bajwa for AWPA 1998) Trends in Creosote Supply and Quality (Harris, 1997)Crosstie Treatment - The Inside Story (Railway Track and Structures article Sep 1992)Wood Preservative Treatments for Crossties and Potential Future Treatments (Webb 1990)Performance of Western Softwood Species as Crossties in Mainline Railroad Track (Miller and Houghton for AWPA 1990)Boultonizing Process (1978)Proceedings of the 65th AWPA Meeting (Denver, April 1969)The Vapor Drying Process (Hudson, patent filed 1940)Experiments in the Preservative Treatment of Red-Oak and Hard-Maple Crossties (Bond 1913)Campbell-Kautz Thesis (1910)R & D Briefings (TTCI brief)Railway Ties Treating Plant Operations and Wood Preservation (Davies)Survey of Wooden Crosstie Tests 1989 (AAR Research report brief)Ties and FastenersTransportation of Termite Infestations in Wood Products (AWPA paper) and MapControl of Moisture Content in Special Drying Processes (Anderson)Air Seasoning of Red Oak Crossties (Mathewson, Morton and Bescher for AWPA)Control of Moisture Content in Special Drying Processes (Anderson)